Kendo Tricks That Can Save Your Life In Awkward Situations

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Kendo, or the sword method is a contemporary martial art practice from Japan. While Kendo tricks are easy, they can be difficult to learn. The tricks in Kendo are classified into two parts: Oji waza and Shikake waza. The former means tricks that an individual uses against their opponent to protect themselves. The latter means the tricks which an individual starts attacking with.

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Renzoku and Shikake Waza

Shikake waza comes with 6 tricks with an exception of kote, tsuki, do and men. These are known as single strikes. Some tricks classified under Shikake waza should actually be under Oji waza. In debana waza trick, an individual counters an attack from their opponent. This trick has however been classified under shikake waza. Renzoku waza refers to consecutive attacks. Individuals who practice Kendo use kote-men as a consecutive attack. The idea of hitting double targets subsequently is referred to as ni-dan waza. San-dan waza is the trick of subsequently striking three targets.

Reasons For Subsequent Striking

Kendo enthusiasts may have to strike subsequently if they are not able to execute the first or the second cut, or the first or second cut is a snare. There is a rule in kendo which requires competitors to compete fairly. If a competitor tries to use a snare, their main aim is to trick their opponent. An attack can only be termed as valid if it is fully executed. Individuals should remember that an opponent is always prepared to respond to an attack. For this reason one should execute a second attack with utmost urgency.

Other Attacking Tricks

  • Debana waza
  • Harai waza
  • Hiki waza

Debana Waza

In this trick, an individual strikes kote or men when their opponent is about to attack.

Harai Waza

In this trick, an individual uses their shinai to toss their opponent’s shinai either down or up.

Hiki Waza

Here, individuals execute hiki-kote, hiki- door hiki-men. Hiki refers to moving backwards.

Oji Waza

Oji waza refers to the tactics an individual uses to respond to an attack from their opponent. Individuals should exercise fast reasoning skills in order to execute these tricks to their advantage. Tricks that fall in this category include Nuki waza, Uchiotoshi, Suriage waza and Kaeshi-waza.

      Nuki Waza

Individuals use this trick by raising their arms up or dropping them down. Individuals can also shift to the right side as they attack their opponent.


Uchiotoshi refers to strike down. Here individuals strike down the shinai of their opponent. This trick is not commonly used in contemporary Kendo due to the fact that the magnitude of strikes cannot be countered using this trick.

     Suriage Waza

This trick can be executed from the right or the left side of a shinai.

     Kaeshi Waza

In this trick an individual’s wrists revolve to hit the target.


Kendo is widely practiced today. Therefore there are numerous tricks that individuals can use and experts keep on revising them and coming up with new ones. The above tricks are said to be quite complex and recommended for experts in this field.

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